Lockdown Blues

Well I am not going to lie, I am feeling down about not being able to photograph beautiful babies and families in the near future. I am in regional NSW and we are in our first week of lockdown with at least 2 more weeks in sight. Of course Victoria and Sydney have had this worse than us here.

I am very blessed to have a full time job as an essential worker Monday- Friday. So I haven’t been hit as hard as full time photographers in lockdown areas. I still have studio rent and bills to pay, so some overtime may be in order to get through this time.

It is appearing that in the near future my full time position will be working from home, which should be interesting with two kids homeschooling and a husband who is studying TAFE via Ms Teams 3 days per week. Like everyone else, we will need to find a routine that works well for everyone involved.

What challenges are you facing in your business or working from home new life??